Great websites with research on Brain Development

Literacy development through Music
What does literacy in music look like?
Reading, singing and analysing the lyrics of a song. Breaking up rhythms and syllables too!. Discussing musical preferences and musical concepts. For example, using adjectives for tone colour - a 'majestic' sound. Exploring the structure of a piece of music – relate this to the structure of a written text. Using quality literature as stimulus for composing or organising sound. For example, recreating a scene from a text, creating sound effects or sound stories to match the text. Why not include visual literacy? Write a story based upon a composition you’ve heard or created eg.
Anita Collins: How playing an instrument benefits your brain | TED Talk

Numeracy Development Through Music
Speech, chants and songs using musical concepts such as counting beats and rhythm patterns. Rhythm in music links to patterns and algebra, whole numbers, multiplication and division in mathematics. Musical concepts such as duration(beat, rhythm, metre, tempo), dynamics, structure and own symbol systems (graphic notation) explore the division of beats using graphic and stick notation, dynamic symbols, identifying and mapping formal musical structure. Formal symbols (notation), more complex musical concepts such as groupings, accents, metres, patterns and sequences. Play and recognise patterns in music such as a riff (ostinato). Explore the difference in measurement between large and small-scale sized instruments and their tone colour or pitch/tone. Listen, respond and arrange pieces using addition and subtraction of instruments explores musical texture and structure.
Music and the Brain
Neuromusical Research for Students Series – Video 1 - Bigger Better Brains
Sing to Beat Parkinson’s - Bigger Better Brains
How does music affect your brain? - Bigger Better Brains
The Role of Music In Early Development - Bigger Better Brains
BBBX – Task Switching - Bigger Better Brains